Friday, December 4, 2009

Foodie Friday

I have been so slack on Fridays lately.  So sorry - life has just been CRAZY!!  Of course, probably like your own life, I barely have any free time until the new year. 

Instead of sharing a recipe with you this week, in keeping with the Christmas spirit, I want to tell you about something really cool that would make a great Christmas (or wedding or birthday) gift for someone who loves cooking or even collecting cookbooks.  I love both, so this was perfect for me:  a Tastebook.  My friends at Swamp Gravy gave me a Tastebook for a wedding present a few years ago.  I love it so much!  What is a tastebook?  Well, it's basically a cookbook with all your own recipes in it.  You can create the cover and all of the pages on the inside.  Each page is a recipe, with ingredients, directions and you can even include your own special notes and pictures.  The pages are printed on heavy cardstock and mailed to you with the holes in them so that you can add them to your book.  My friends bough a package that included 50 recipes, but since they only used about 25 pages for recipes, I have been able to make my own pages with the remaining 25 for free.  Check out their website and if you're interested and want to know more, leave me a comment and I can invite you to use my book online.

I hope you all have a fabulous weekend.  I am excited about the Alabama-Florida football game this weekend.  I wish I could be in Atlanta cheering on the Tide, but I'll be there in spirit.  ROLL TIDE!!!