Friday, September 4, 2009

Another Foodie Friday

My 25th birthday is just a week away! I can't believe I'm already 25. It seems like just yesterday I moved to Bainbridge and started in the woods with my neighbors.

You know, I am an easy person to buy presents for. Anything to do with the kitchen completely excites me! Last year, Jarrett gave me a meat thermometer as part of my gift and I couldn't wait to use it. It totally upstaged the flavor injecter he got my for Valentine's Day (ha!). Here are a few things that I would love for my birthday this year:

Have I mentioned how much I just adore the Neely's? They are so funny and are perfect together. I get home everyday just in time to watch their show and their food looks so good. I even made their BBQ sauce a few weeks ago and it was fantastic. Their cookbook looks really good too. Maybe it'll help "kick up" my cooking a little bit!

I would also love to be the proud owner of this Rachael Ray lasagna pan. I love her bake ware! I have a few pieces already, but you can't have enough, can you? This is perfect for going from the oven to the table. This green color is too cute, too!

Jarrett and I have a huge kitchen, but not much counter space. I'd really like to get rid of my knife block, so this magnetic knife rack would be great to have. You just attach it to the wall and stick your knives up there!
In addition to these three fabulous things, I have included a new Blackberry, Alabama football tickets and a trip to Chicago on my birthday list. I am sure that I will receive none of these, but it was worth a shot! If Jarrett can ask for a boat every year for his birthday and Christmas, I can keep these on mine. I am also getting to take my birthday off work. I can't wait to sleep in and be lazy all day before going out to eat with some friends. I also have to pay for my car tag that day. I think I am going to try to treat myself to the new Alabama car tags. I haven't made up my mind yet, but if I have to pay for it on my birthday, I should at least turn it into something I actually want, right?

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