Friday, September 25, 2009

Football Parties

Fall means football, which also means get togethers to watch the football games.  It seems like almost every weekend, we are having a party to watch "the game."  For me, this means Alabama, for Jarrett "the game" means Florida State, and for all of our other friends, it means Georgia.  We somehow work it out.  Probably because none of our teams hate each other, so everyone's willing to watch each other's games.  We did once have a Gator intruder...that didn't turn out so well.  She never came back!!

As I've mentioned before, I DO NOT BAKE!  So my favorite things to put together on football weekends are dips and snacks.  My absolute favorite dip ever is Pizza Dip. Everyone loves it and everyone expects it now when they come over.  The pizza dip actually has an interesting story behind it.  My 10th grade French teacher made it for my class one day.  I asked her for the recipe and she gave it to me, but I misplaced it.  I tried to find the recipe for the longest time.  I searched websites, tried to email my teacher (who had retired by then), and looked through all my mom's cookbooks and recipes.  Then, I got "The Best of Bainbridge" cookbook for a wedding present (this was eight years later, mind you).  I was reading through it and there it was - PIZZA DIP! I couldn't believe it.  Turns out, one of my classmates had also gotten the recipe, saved it and submitted it to be put in the cookbook.  I was so excited and have been making it all the time, ever since.  Try it, you'll like it!

8 oz. Cream Cheese (softened)

1 jar Pizza Sauce
1 pkg. Turkey Pepperoni(or regular)
1 sm. can Black Olives, chopped (optional)
1 pkg. Mozzarella or Pizza Blend Cheese

1. Preheat oven to 350°
2. Spread cream cheese on bottom of a small baking dish.
3.  Pour pizza sauce over cheese, then add pepperoni and olives. Top with cheese.
4. Bake for 30 minutes or until cheese is brown and bubbly
5.  Serve with tortilla chips or toasted bread.

Check back next Friday for another Foodie Friday!

Okay, on another note, I created my own blog background...what do you think?  I am working on it until I perfect it.

Hope y'all have a fabulous weeked! ROLL TIDE!

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